Examples of Wildlife in their Habitat. My attempt to demonstrate the most relevant difference between Animals and Human. As we can see all these creatures do is live in a symbiotic partnership with their environment, in this their environment has an inbuilt mechanism for protecting their future and their habits have an inbuilt mechanism to protect their environment.
When we human beings interfere it is an immeasurable levels of corruption to destroy these environments, the pinnacle of this corruption being the killing of wild Animals to make Household equipment and medicine when they can easily be artificially manufactured and distilled through local or advanced Chemistry. 
It is impossible as well to keep on pretending we have their interests at heart when we are evidently destroying them. Humans are not animals, they do not have a symbiotic co-existence structure with the environment, there really isn't an excuse or a middle ground, we are either positive in our actions towards the environment or negative which is destructive.

I am told that no matter what I do I always lose, which does not make any sense to me whatsoever when my day is spent on Industry fools looking good in suits for the purpose of building pressure publicity that gets people who show up here to express interest in what I am doing, parting with their money somewhere else – so I am wondering if these people have been buying Books yet, finding out what the commotion around my concerns really were, or spending all the attention on their stupidities, bearing in mind I have tolerated it this long to let them grow too big and too destructive for their own good all together; we all know it is a behaviour that will never stop if they see there is no prospects of being forced to share the market, income or salary. As for the story of getting myself into trouble with the Politicians, we are going to progress to the part where I regard them dangerously as well, regard them as a separate entity from the elected Offices, to ensure they lived dangerously too and then whenever I will being respectful, it will not take it all and run off damage for my livelihood to brag about the fun it is having all over parliament like they are doing presently. Those who claim it’s a matter of detaching me from the Monarchy are another story all together; the years they spent sleeping around and gathering up ethnic minorities that will pass around blame culture at the shops, much the same as the Politicians wreck my academic work to keep up processes of winning elections by blame culture and are now wrecking my Books for an exit, I was allowed to get anywhere I wanted, so they might target me with it. As for my so called attitude, that will be something they have recently gotten accustomed to as well, the believe that passing exams in school to spend time making stupid people rich, makes them clever enough to pass their insults and abuses at me like that all the time, which is about to get better as the process of writing Books to support me and others while I completed the academic work has turned towards a mini war because of how much they need my personality and my intellect for their own private purposes – as I will get on some high position soon enough, to spend most of my time showing them off as a bunch of silly suit wearing educated idiots. They do complain about some art I have used on this website landing naturally, since last they gave me some of theirs – they say it wounds them and I know what they mean, if the fact interest groups are out there cleaning up the Natural environment gets to mean that they dumped more waste because somebody was taking care of it, attracted a new kind of sex associated with such things. Their Politicians have said that they do care about the environment as well naturally and it’s the same when they complain about being tracked and I am pushing off goons who wrecked my academic work and have since continued to show up around my concerns to draw up a link between being strict with the female half and making money on other people’s public image, hunting down my job prospects and the success of my Books right down to social media, they are busy spending their time alongside their media fools, building up publicity about my tummy ulcer for it; they care about the environment and those who profess it have not yet done well enough to stop attacking me over the insanity that is associated with it causing the bottom hurting all together – the one that comes as a result of doing something abusive and loving at the same time to the old man in a bush who cooks good bush meat, chewing snacks, sleeping with girls and punching money. So we see the whole thing feed into a tale of me passing off women who have expressed an interest in me while what really happens is that they never get in touch all together, what they do is pick up a story they can spread around on such things and run a business on it, reason being that I had decided the other half will be doing the money and publicity bits – so we can see that Celebrities who think I cannot stop them making it all about me while paparazzi are taking their photos and making them rich by doing so, wrecking everything around here, have no sense of commitment even in terms of the fame they chase let alone the personal life and that the Royals who want to get along with those are much the same as well, such that whenever they handle anything around here its about getting in the shoes of a would be partner of mine and then running off this gimmick of telling tales about it to run off a money making plan at the end; we all know if I picked a woman on the streets at random and told her what I am doing, her role in it, we would be fine and the Monarchy would be served, in the same way it has long been assumed by those who claim to protect the environment, that antagonising Staff at Companies which produce Environmentally destructive substances in a controlled setting, facilitates a means by which the Authorities are able to control environmental vandalism with the Chemicals produced.



The reality here is no longer avoidable – it’s all about popularity and these famous idiots always tend to pick on and abuse people that are not party to their stupid problems, to make sense of a very bad world they have created all round. The facts have become obvious about the way that women claim I am disrespectful of entire female communities which expressed the fact that they could never stop viewing my concerns to seek out areas of vulnerability that their stupidities might take advantage of and now that might fight is over when it became quite obvious that I am starting to exploit their own weaknesses too, they speak of respect like something they earned. The facts become obvious that people thought I had done the wrong thing by allowing them deploy my academic pursuits to explain their acts of bullying when they wanted to make sense of provocative processes by which others had possessions their civil rights stupidities have never tasted but if I hadn’t allowed the Politicians take advantage of me by claiming that I was doing the wrong thing and they were nice people who only needed money, we would not be talking about the idiots now looking like they had a doctorate degree in bullying over my social and personal life because the Politicians complained about a lack of access to civil living due to their activities. It has now grown into this part where they pick up the way criminals expressed interest in my concerns to run off like a bubble at me on media every day and counteract all I did to move it on with their own publicity where they either claimed to be me or build a stupid crowd that expected them to be entitled to anything I did, blowing off the big mouth about how I wouldn’t dare go up against their criminal popularity media television and radio wave stupidities cause I wouldn’t not have had a chance in terms of the violence everyday and it is the last straw. I am however very interested in the prospects of losing freedom to work as I want due to the fact that they enjoy showing up all over my concerns and express their stupidities on how my personality can be used to make them money through popularity but have over time come to garnish it with madness about helping me resolve my financial difficulties and by the time they were finished in each case, the finances had become a mess, their involvement with me had made recovery and anything I had planned more difficult, meaning that each attempt to help me look less embarrassing in order to enhance their popularity has always been counter productive but the idiots want one every day – whenever it becomes clear that my fight is over if they need to show up here and acknowledge my work as a writer instead of making themselves a handful of bullies they cannot back up, they invent something that will rally communities to help them run me down, after showing up here to punish me over work I had already done because they insert themselves into my career and introduce their stupidities as a sign of the idea they were important people, they invent it because I had dared and they were better human beings than I was, looking for more of what their media stupidities were complaining about all together. Eventually they claim they have achieved this process where I am fed up and completely tired of Government concerns and activities at the Monarchy while reality is that this nonsense makes me stressed not either of the two things they had pointed out and I am now seeking a conclusion for it, considering they rather felt they were too superior to me to shut it down the way they would have liked to.

The first time Americans got involved, they made it a matter of trashing my social life to work businesses that made profit in the underbelly of New York City, deploy extra profits gained from trashing my concerns to build market for parties that were all about lolling at me - now its about securing Politicians that will make world decisions which entitled their stupidities to my income margins all together. Same as black people started out building communities that would think about my tummy and anus all the time and set about running me down over what my personality and social life should be used to now they spend their time showering me with insults to hang around at the other end building a crowd that will help acknowledge their stupidities were important people, which meant that from out of the blue, I just dropped to rock bottom and their practical joke insults have never been more profitable. They speak of me being hungry but I am certain I know my portions well, while all the stupidities built up to run off at me by idiots who think they were better human beings have not yet been shut down, seeing it had nothing to do with me but runs off on their stupid media everyday, trashing my career in the process, if the fact I am hungry hurts prospects of their stupidities being popular.

Its an old story about this matter, where what the Head of State said about my activities were motivational, while they appointed themselves to handle me on claimed disrespect for women which included the Queen. Thereafter we hear they thought I needed to get out of the Monarchy where I didn’t belong and its possible to make sense of the times I thought they didn’t actually matter and needed to get out of it. They have never really been the threat to me that they think they are; its Public mistress gimmicks where they claim I set myself out as somebody that can make them rich for gold digging and then they have spent more than a decade of their time to find out that I had nothing they could dig and that even if I did, it was incredibly difficult to dig me, such that we can see that if their insane interest in me was stopped and most of its consequences averted, we would enter into a stage of economic recovery that came with the lost romance that existed between the City centre and the academic institutions but we can see that asking them nicely will never produce results as well. They claim they were certain there was nothing I could do about them but we know it’s a game of popularity and it involved wrecking my University studies and now picking up the way criminals viewed my concerns to run off abuses at me all day on Media, only to show up at criminal popularity backyard issuing threats that indicated they relied on me to do nothing about it as well, which has now given way to big brother seeing me arse, so I am unable to account for the way the last 2 years of my time was spent and makes me very angry, while the women ones will soon marry their big brothers and show they are the ones who persecute the female community and make it difficult for me to find somebody I can settle down with; they appear to have this need to make the announcement on media every day, that they were convinced there was nothing I could do about them and its about to add up to the reasons I burned their celebrity culture for them as well. They claim there is this prove that there is nothing I can do concerning low life’s that pick on me but those are a handful of gits who create a two part gimmick; where one part was the way ageist idiots abused my person to make me get into a fight with other young people while they sorted out abusive processes of making money with my social life and the other was the foolish abusive women in the neighbourhoods grooming people for their stupidities, while the Politicians that hard wire them to areas of peoples careers that pay the bills continued to deny that they had created a dangerous situation for the victims – the outcome is meant to be that I didn’t get into a fight with anybody and the ageist men had to work with that, while the wife beating gimmicks will be the thing that gives more impetus for violent activity for the community women all together, which generally means that this business of feeling sore all over without physical contact on their part, followed by a process of teaching their stupid children to get imagination around my private parts, which has given way to a response that meant I completely trashed their society without physical contact as well, is about to produce an outcome whereby if they didn’t hurt each other very seriously, I will end up doing it for them. The claim that once I am done, I am unable to move on with my life is utter nonsense; what happens is that companies with spend a lot of money on product development and advertisement which also showed the part I played for intellectual property administration and they will think that it was imperative I didn’t move a muscle while the public was getting involved, but Politicians will show up to shake things up over a future they want for their abusive and insulting children, claiming I am nobody, so they have to manage this process where companies showed up in parliament to ensure that there was a way to do something that had an instantaneous impact which produced a result where they understood that a behaviour had produced an outcome whereby trust had been lost and this is the source of the smell issues – the other types are a process where an architect I met on social media might want my Books as a guiding point for building design but the insults and abuses of these fools will make such a mess of client interest we faced a real risk of there being a building in the city centre that generally courted public abuse once the structure is finished and now it felt it was an incredibly important thing to do, getting off on media to make those stupid statements that they were convinced or had prove there was nothing I could do about their stupidities, especially when supported by foolish American Politicians that think I am emotionally attached to National mistress crowds on my door step, talking nonsense about the importance of democracy, trashing my career. More over, their distraction is responsible for all the health issues in this place, the health issues that are responsible for the idea that I am incapable of pushing back, which is the main reason it happens everyday.

They do love to boast that I am crying my heart out naturally and we know the reasons for this is the way that client have ended up feeling as if every product created doing business with me is fundamentally subject to abusive behaviour and this therefore meant that the reasons they carried on was because of the absence of a history of consequences when they handled products without paying for the ones they have handled or damaged in this place, so I am going to have to go back to the beginning of their perverted interest in my concerns to catch up with all that they have done, to present date, so the simple business of working anomies to build equity will give way to an activity that helped to make a big contribution to the stupid wealth and social inequality complains that we cannot be free of all together, making me look like gits who get out of bed to cause people suffering in order to build market, put themselves in charge of my concerns to show I had over time become like them, on account they had a foggiest clue what they were doing.

They speak of this case where I am a coward that cannot handle bullying naturally but it’s an old story of how much abuse an idiot will perform and how much of it will restrict what I can do with my whole life before I then get to pay attention to and mention something about the fool that everybody wanted to beat up at School. It’s usually a case where you are unable to understand why people keep doing it until you get involved and he sticks you somewhere between that nonsense he does with people’s lives and private parts without evidence that he is, which nobody really can put a finger on in terms of how it affects others on one hand and on the other the people who like to beat him up and are probably in a gang as well and want to show you that you should always judge considering when you end up in the gang they will not be better off than you are still; it becomes a matter of having him beaten up seriously to stop him doing that thing he has gradually gotten used to doing and love to tell lies thereof that allow him do it as well to add to the things he must acquire to draw people’s attention to what he wants and how he must get it and that big mouth shows up on media over my case like that all the time seeking some of mine because it is convinced I will end up in a gang whereas the probability is that I will end up heading down the power route and he will get seriously beaten up and that will be a good thing because someone else was Royalty and he can keep getting involved too since we are obviously mates and doing so does not cause me to do various fake things thereof. They do say I have set it all up and set myself up through it to make a fortune but that is not what I have done – that bit about using it in profitable ways is a matter of incessant ageist insults concerning what I will be made to deal with over and over and over and over; so, I just get off and deal with it, so that I can supervise the ones that ageists will deal with when I am finished too. Overall, the anus and penis insults I suppose can always carry on until we have to witness what it is exactly they can do when they think they are done with it too.

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